As you’ve probably seen from our previous Phasmophobia survival guide, the new prison map is out and we covered the do’s and don’ts of that particular map.
Keeping that in mind, we thought it would be prudent to cover the rest of the maps in the Phasmophobia universe so that you could be the best-equipped ghost finder in the world. Since the leading cause of success in Phasmophobia is information, that is what this guide will all be about.
In this Phasmophobia Survival Guide: High School, we’re going to discuss the layout of the map, how to traverse it well, which equipment you need to bring along with you, and what to keep in mind in order to be an efficient ghost finder.

Map Info
The high school map was added into the game when it was still in early access. That means that it has been around for a while and has had changes made to it throughout the course of its development.
The map is medium-sized which means that it is as large as the prison map but feels larger because it has so many rooms. The complete map is divided into two floors and each floor is huge.
As soon as you enter the map you’ll be overcome with a sense of foreboding but that’s just the effect that high school has on people. Jokes aside, the map is definitely scarier and darker than other maps so you will need to pay attention in order to navigate it well.

First Floor
The first floor is easily the most confusing aspect of the map as it has multiple types of rooms and is really simple to get lost in. The first thing that you should know about the first floor is that there are multiple entries and exit points so those are the first things that you should keep in mind.
The main entrance is right at the start of the map but there are 4 other exits that will get you out of the map itself. Two of the side entrances lead back to the van but the two on the right side of the map just lead out into a courtyard of sorts that can only be accessed through the map.
It does nothing other than give you a quick way to traverse half of the map without actually being inside.
The first floor has a lot of rooms to hide in but not all of them are great places to stick around if the ghost is after you. The best rooms to hide in are the bathrooms.
You can get inside the stalls and shut the doors behind you and that will save you from almost all of the ghosts. There are also lockers to hide in but they can be tough to find in a pinch so bathrooms might be the best bet.
I would advise against hiding in classrooms and bigger rooms like the basketball court or the auxiliary rooms as they don’t have many hiding spots and you might end up getting caught in the open.

Second Floor
The second floor of the whole map is much better than the first one as there are less open spaces and bigger rooms thus giving you a chance to locate bathrooms easily and hide in them without too much trouble.
Also, if you thought that the first floor was confusing, wait until you get to this one as every corner looks exactly the same and you’ll often find yourself getting lost.
The second floor of the map is much different from the first as it is primarily composed of hallways and rooms, this means that there is a higher chance for the ghost room to spawn up here.
If that is the case then the first order of business would be to set up all the necessary equipment in order to determine what kind of ghost it is. To do this you should try to bring diverse equipment with each player so that trips back to the van are unnecessary.
Make sure to take as much as stuff as you can so that you limit your backtracking and ensure that you can set up everything before the ghost gets a chance to start a hunt.
There are multiple things that you can do in order to navigate this area efficiently.
The first would be to leave a person inside the van so that they can pinpoint exactly where each person is and can easily navigate them out of the map if the need arises. You could also take stuff like motion sensors and cameras with you to mark places on the map that are close to exits or hiding places so that you don’t get lost.
One important thing to take note of is that it is nigh impossible to find your way out of the map without a flashlight so always bring one when going in.
Recommended Equipment
The high school map is a little more forgiving than the prison map as it gives you a lot more places to hide so here is the list of recommended equipment for this particular map.

Strong Flashlight
This is the single most useful piece of equipment that you can bring to this map, the strong flashlight. The inside of the map is pitch black and the place is so confusing that it is easy to get lost inside. Whatever you do, do not enter the place without a strong flashlight because you will get lost.

Spirit Box
This map is huge and it has so many rooms that finding the ghost room can be a pain. To limit that pain you should bring a spirit box on the off-chance that it communicates. That way you can determine whether you’re close or far from the ghost room.

With a place as large as this one there are going to be multiple opportunities to photograph ghost evidence and make a few extra bucks. The camera can also stop certain hunts and make some ghosts stop hunting altogether.
Final Note
The map is quite large and can take a while to wrap your head around. The best piece of advice for this map is to always make sure that you know the place of a bathroom and never explore too far into it because once you get lost it can be hard to find your way back outside.
We hope you enjoyed our guide on Phasmophobia Survival Guide: High School! Please comment and tell all your friends and family!