As you might have seen from streams and YouTube videos, Phasmophobia is a relatively new game about hunting ghosts but with a twist. It has become incredibly popular and that is because it has taken the ghost-hunting genre and flipped it.
Instead of hunting and getting rid of the ghost that is present on the property, all you have to do as a player is figure out what type of ghost it is, complete the objectives given to you, and then get out of the property safely.
The game allows you to do all of that in such a setting that no matter how good you are at it, it will still instill horror in you when the ghost starts hunting.

This is especially true in the new prison map because the game gives you very few places to hide and makes it very hard to survive haunts if you don’t know where to go in order to live through the haunts.
In this guide, we’ll cover how to prepare for this particular map, which places to watch out for, and what you can do in order to make sure that you stay alive during this particular mission. We hope you enjoy our guide over Best Phasmophobia Survival Guide: Prison Map! Good luck!
Map Info for Prison
To complete the prison map successfully you will need some basic info about the map. This includes what to expect with the map, how to navigate your way inside, and where you can hide inside the prison.

The first thing that you should know about the map is that it is an average-sized one although it feels smaller than high school because of the layout of the map. The layout is very important as it will allow you to move freely through the map.
As soon as you enter the building you can go to the second floor through the stairs on your right. This will allow access to a bunch of other rooms and most often will have the ghost room.
The First Floor of the Prison
The first floor is divided into different cell blocks, a cafeteria, an infirmary, and a visitor section. If you’ve seen a prison in movies then you won’t have trouble figuring out which rooms are for what.
The first floor is quite unremarkable as a lot of the areas in it are open, and have little of import in them. The cell blocks are the most remarkable feature as they each have stairs going up to another level which has more cells on it.

There are other smaller rooms on the first floor which are for general supplies and the sort but those have a small chance of being the ghost’s room.
In fact, the first floor has shown to have a lower chance to spawn the ghost room as there are smaller rooms on the second floor, allowing the ghost to spawn more easily.
There are a few small rooms at the entrance of the building on the first floor and those can have the ghost in them so it’s prudent to check those out first before going to the second floor.

The Second Floor of the Prison
The second floor is where most of the action is going to be happening as it has a lot going on up there. The ghost room has a high chance of spawning up there, but that is not all.
The second floor also holds a lot of the bathrooms and thus most of the stalls are present on the map. The stalls are where you’re going to have the best luck hiding because it ensures a high rate of success for surviving haunts.
The bathroom stalls give you the security of an added door to hide behind and even if the stall isn’t 100% safe, it at least feels safe and gives you a chance to catch your breath.
One important thing to note here is that not all ghosts react the same so there are ghosts that are immune to being hidden from so the more info that you can gather on the ghost before the haunt starts, the better it is going to be for you.

That’s not all that’s on the second floor as the warden’s office is also up there. The reason why the warden’s office is important is because it can be one of the rooms in which the fuse box spawns. The fuse box is important as it will allow you to turn the power back on if it goes out.
The power can go out for a lot of reasons such as turning on too many lights, playing with the switches, or because of ghost interference. The power box is also important because if you come face to face with a Djinn then you will have to turn off the power to limit its abilities.
Important Equipment for Phasmophobia Survival Guide: Prison Map
There are a few pieces of equipment that you should always bring with you on the prison map as they can mean the difference between life and death.

The crucifix is arguably one of the most important pieces of equipment that you’re going to want for this map. The crucifix will allow you to deal with haunts a little more easily and can save you when you can’t find a place to hide on this map.
Salt is also an invaluable addition to your arsenal as it can save you from wraiths as it is absolutely toxic to them. It can also come up as one of the objectives so it’s best to keep it with you.
Photo Camera
Taking a picture of the ghost can sometimes stop a haunt and can prevent you from getting killed. This doesn’t work all the time but it does give you a fighting chance. Also, if you manage to take a proper picture then you’ll get paid more for it (even if you die) which is always a plus.

Final Note
The issue with this map is that it can be really easy to get killed because of the lack of hiding places and it being a bigger map.
Being that as it may you should take all the precautions necessary and prioritize getting out as fast as you can because a single haunt can mean death on your team. Just focus on staying alive and you should be good.
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