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Valheim: [TOP 5] Best Armor Sets

Valheim: [TOP 5] Best Armor Sets

Valheim being a thrilling survival experience allows the gamers to fight an almost real battle! While venturing on tougher journeys, one needs to be fully equipped to ensure their success. Along the way, you’ll be running into many of your enemies and rivals; however, to confront them admirably, you’ll have to have the best Valheim armor. Not only will it help you stay prepared and safe from enemy attacks, but will also retain your health by shielding you from any upcoming danger. We hope you enjoy our guide on the top 5 best armor sets!

The 5 best armors in Valheim

To ensure that you get the required protection to avoid losing your health to troublesome occasions i.e. cold atmosphere or enemy attacks; you need to wear adequate armor. To make the fighting interesting as well as thrilling, you can craft the best armor for yourself. Here are the top 5 armors from which you gain the required protection and the desired outcome:

  • Troll Armor set
  • Bronze Armor set
  • Iron Armor set
  • Wolf Armor set
  • Padded Armor set

While you will earn a bonus wearing any of the above-mentioned armor sets, know that you can wear any one of them depending on what suits your needs at that time. As you are creating your way through the Valheim, you need to gather resources as well as gaining the necessary armor sets. 

Troll Armor set

Wearing light armor to get yourself through Valheim without failing in between is the right way of staying protected and safe throughout the journey. You can gain the sneak bonus by wearing this armor set while not being restricted physically. It is a light armor set that allows you to move freely without affecting your speed and actions. While dealing with the damages and resource collection, the bonus earned by this armor will benefit you a lot. 

Feeling brave and strong enough to proceed towards the black forest? Valheim troll armor set is the right armor set for you as it improves your protection as well as your wardrobe. 

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You can craft this armor set by keeping an eye on the trolls wandering around the forest. It is advised that you attack them from a distance by equipping a bow. You need to have 25 troll hide to be able to craft your troll armor set. It will help you gain a boosted sneak stats. 

If you wear the four pieces of troll armor set together i.e. leather helmet, leather pants, hide cape, and leather tunic; you will gain the desired set bonus. Therefore, do not be intimidated by the trolls, and through using all your arrows strategically; you can get your level of protection upgraded to that of the troll armor set.

To craft your troll armor set, you’ll be needing 13 bone fragments and 25 troll hide. 

Bronze Armor set

To upgrade your level of protection from that of the troll armor set, you need to acquire the bronze armor set. While you will be getting a shiny sword and armor, you will also be enjoying relatively better protection. However, your actions and movements will be affected as you will be slowed down to 10%. This armor set is considered ideal for fighting the early Valheim boss as they require comparatively less struggle and posit less danger to you. 

You won’t be having any cape and will face a 10% reduction of your speed if you wear the Valheim bronze armor set. However, keep in mind that the heavier the armor is, the more protective and defensive it gets for you while reducing your movement speed. 

As soon as you defeat Eikthyr, you can proceed on creating this armor suit for yourself. To craft this, you need to follow simple instructions to have it on for the first time. You need to have two copper pieces and one tin piece to craft a single bronze piece. You can find these ingredients for crafting bronze quite easily if you wander around the black forest. There will be larger ores of copper and smaller ones of tin closer to the water. After finding these raw pieces of copper and tin, you need to have a smelter to process them. 

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To ensure that you proceed on crafting yourself a shiny bronze armor set, you need to have 15 bronze and 6 deer hide. 

Iron Armor set

After conquering and winning the fight from the third boss of Valheim i.e. Bonemass, you will need stronger protection. As your level increases and you fight with stronger and deadly enemies, so should your protective measures. To ensure that your skills and efforts are not being compromised because of your ineffective armor suit, you need to prepare yourself to fight with your enemies waiting in Viking purgatory. Increasing the struggle and thrill, you won’t be finding the materials necessary for crafting this armor set.

You will need a smelter and scrap iron to craft your iron armor set for the first time. While you can find the scraps of iron in the muddy pile of iron in the hollow crypts, you can gain access to it by gaining the dropped swamp key of The Elder, second boss of the Valheim. However, if you are not a beginner and have crossed the intermediate level; you most probably now have the wishbone gained by defeating the third boss i.e. Bonemass that helps you find the iron scraps effortlessly. 

To craft the iron armor set, you need to have 60 scraps of iron and 6 deer hide. 

Wolf armor set

The strongest, best-looking, and most required armor set is the Valheim wolf armor set. To reside in snowy places without being dangerously affected by the frostbite, this warm and wide-looking set will assist you. Wolf armor set might seem weaker than that of the previously mentioned armor sets; however, wearing this set with a helmet will make you fight the battles while receiving much less damage. 

To craft this armor set, you need to take silver and wolves in your possession. Once you get on the journey to attain them, keep in mind that you can have them from the biome mountain. However, it is advised to stay well-prepared and protected from frost damages by acquiring the resistance meds beforehand. After your encounter with the blue dreadful creatures, you will get the chain from the biome Swamp. 

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To craft your Valheim wolf armor set, you need to have important raw ingredients i.e. 4 fangs, 44 silver, a chain, 16 wolf pets, and a wolf trophy. 

Padded armor set

The best comfortable and strong armor set is the padded Valheim armor. Being an end-game armor set in Valheim, it is the most powerful possible protection that one can get to prevent themselves from any damage and possible harm. While it provides you an obvious comparative better protection, it comes with a cape of any color you choose to give you frost immunity. It comes with the necessary tools to safeguard yourself i.e. helmet, greaves, and cuirass. Moreover, its additional protective nature won’t restrict you from moving freely, neither will it reduce your movement speed. 

By exploring the hollow crypts, you can get the iron scraps just like you accessed them while crafting yourself an iron armor set. The padded armor set is simpler to craft as you already have the raw iron in your possession. However, while acquiring the linen; you will have to access the spinning wheel which is relatively a difficult part. To get a hold of the linen, you need to create it by acquiring the spinning wheel after conquering the fourth boss of Valheim, i.e. Moder.

You can craft this effective and warm padded armor set by collecting 30 scraps of iron and 55 linen threads. 


Hence, through following your strategies and well-analyzed ideas; you can now craft your desired armor sets quite easily. By picking up the best available armor set in Valheim, you can have the most fun in gathering resources and crafting them for increased protection and thrill within the game. 

Written by Gaming Reaper

Small-time blogger and passionate gamer! I love to share things for people who are seeking information about their game! I hope by the end of this, you as a reader are more knowledgable about the game and will share the secrets to other friends and family!