
How to Use the Equipment in Phasmophobia [All 22 Items]

How to Use the Equipment in Phasmophobia

The appreciation for Phasmophobia comes very much from the fact that it is a game that is founded in plausibility. The game doesn’t have any fancy or over the top mechanics that would ruin the immersion. It focuses on the mission aspect of each ghost hunt.

The game gives you tangible objectives and gives you seemingly normal tools to get the job done. In fact, the game gives you 22 pieces of various equipment so that you can complete the job in any way you see fit.

It gives you total control over how to find the ghost, where to go, and what to do. That is a very liberating feeling but can trip you up if you don’t know what each of the equipment does and how to properly utilize it. That’s why this guide exists.

To give you the ability to go about ghost hunts armed with the knowledge of all the tools that you have at your disposal.

Types of Equipment

There are two types of equipment in the game, starter equipment, and purchasable equipment. The difference between them is that starter equipment is available from the start of the game and isn’t lost if you die during a hunt.

Purchasable equipment is exactly what it sounds like, you can purchase said equipment when you meet the level requirement and if you have enough money for it. They are also lost if you die during a hunt.

Starter Equipment

There are 7 types of starter equipment that are absolutely necessary for a proper ghost hunt, ones that you should not leave home without. Let’s figure out how they work.

How to Use the Spirit Box in Phasmophobia?

To use the spirit box all you have to do is use the local chat function to talk into the microphone so that it can be heard by the ghost. This works differently for different types of ghosts. If the ghost responds to everyone then you can use it around other people. If the ghost only responds when alone then you cannot use it while other people are nearby. The equipment is also best used in complete darkness as that can affect how it works.

The spirit box is the most finicky piece of equipment in the game and is reliable about 50% of the time. You still need it for hunts but only about half the ghosts will try to reply. The spirit box is a necessity but it is not a tool that should be the basis of concrete proof if it doesn’t work.

How to Use the Ghost Writing Book in Phasmophobia?

To use the Ghost Writing Book, equip it and look onto any surface and visualize where you want to put the book, and then place it down with the key that you have mapped for secondary use (default is the ‘F’ key).

The ghost book is pretty reliable but it needs time to work so you should place it down in the ghost room as soon as you can. It will work whether you’re in the room or not so just check in every so often to gauge whether the ghost has written something down or not. You’ll see if it has worked if there are words or drawings in the book.

The photo camera can be used to take pictures of ghost events, bones, dead bodies, and the ghost itself. The photos are worth $10 each so they can be a great way to earn money really quickly.

How to Use the EMF Reader in Phasmophobia?

To use the EMF Reader you can just activate it and look around the map. It will light up if there is ghost activity near you and will also light up in the ghost’s room.

The EMF Reader can be a little iffy as well because it will go off when there is a ghost event which can make it harder to find the ghost room. It also fluctuates between varying levels from ghost to ghost so you need to keep an eye on that in order to successfully determine which ghost it is.

How to Use the Video Camera in Phasmophobia?

The video camera just needs to be set up in order to be used. To do that all you have to do is activate the camera and then set it down. Activating it is important because it won’t work otherwise and you’ll only realize it when you go back to the van. You can also put it down on a tripod.

The video camera can be set down in the ghost room and can be used to check for ghost orbs. Those orbs will let you figure out which ghost it is. It’s also prudent to set up a couple of cameras at a time and make sure to set them up in the ghost room.

How to Use the UV Flashlight in Phasmophobia?

The UV flashlight can be used as a normal flashlight but emits very low UV light. It is used to find fingerprints that the ghost has left behind. You should focus on doors and windows when using it.

The UV flashlight is necessary for a hunt as it is one of the few ways to determine whether fingerprints have been left behind by the ghost. It works pretty reliably but it should be low on the tier of equipment to use when starting a hunt.

How to Use the Flashlight in Phasmophobia?

The flashlight is one of the most useful pieces of equipment that you can get in the game. It is impossible to play the game without a light source because you will get lost very quickly. All you have to do is equip it and use the action key to use it.

The flashlight can also be used without being held. If you are carrying one all you need to do is press the secondary action key and it will light up automatically.

Purchasable Equipment

The game cannot be mastered with just the starter equipment. To become a true ghost hunter you will have to master all of the various purchasable equipment that is present in the game.

The candle provides very little light but it won’t go out during hunts. It can also be blown out by ghosts so it can be used to see whether the ghost is coming for you or not.

How to Use the Crucifix in Phasmophobia?

When holding the crucifix you won’t be protected from ghosts. You actually have to throw the crucifix onto the ghost in order for it to work effectively.

The crucifix is an unreliable tool for saving yourself. It is best used in maps like prison where there aren’t many hiding places.

How to Use the Glow Stick in Phasmophobia?

You can just use the glow stick with the action button and throw it down with the throw button. It will illuminate areas without needing power and won’t go out if there is a hunt or if the breaker overloads.

The glow stick provides minimal light so using them is very situational. You won’t be hard-pressed to use them and you could easily go through hunts without this equipment.

How to Use the Head Mounted Camera in Phasmophobia?

The head mounted camera is a little confusing to get to work. You can find it on the left side of the van facing out. You need to activate the cam before putting it on and the footage can be viewed by anyone in the van.

The head mounted camera seems cool but there is rarely any use for it. You need to stand still to use it properly and it costs a lot so you might be better off without this one.

How to Use the Infrared Light Sensor in Phasmophobia?

To use the infrared light sensor you can set it up and it will work automatically. It will light up when it detects movement from players or from the ghost.

The infrared light sensor is not worth the purchase in my opinion. It just lights up the place but you’ll always have a light source on you so it makes the sensor next to useless.

How to Use the Lighter in Phasmophobia?

The lighter is really simple to use. All you have to do is equip it and activate it with the interact button. It provides very low light and should not be used as a primary source of light.

The light may not be useful for providing light but it is used to light up candles as well as smudge sticks.

How to Use the Motion Sensor in Phasmophobia?

To set up the motion sensor it needs to go onto a wall. You can use the secondary interact button to put it onto a wall and then monitor any movement it captures in the van.

The motion sensor is really expensive and it will only give you an alert if something passes through it, whether it’s a ghost or a human. It is not worth the price.

The parabolic microphone is pretty expensive and will only give you the general direction of where the sound is coming from and not the exact location.

How to Use the Salt Shaker in Phasmophobia?

The salt shaker can be used three times before it runs out. To use it you need to place the salt on the ground which means using the secondary interact key.

The salt shaker can be used to track ghosts, make them stop chasing you, and can be used to confine the ghost in the room. It also pops up as an objective from time to time.

How to Use Sanity Pills in Phasmophobia?

Sanity pills are used to increase your sanity when it has been reduced because of the ghost. To use it all you need to do is equip it and press the interact button.

Sanity pills are the only thing that can increase your sanity when it is low. They give you 40% of your sanity and are extremely important for larger maps.

How to Use Smudge Sticks in Phasmophobia?

To use smudge sticks you’ll need a lighter in order to burn the herbs that are in smudge sticks. To use them you’ll need to turn on the lighter and then light up the smudge sticks.

Smudge sticks can be used to prevent ghost hunts for a while if used in the ghost room. If they are not in the room they will not work.

How to Use the Sound Sensor in Phasmophobia?

The sound sensor can be used to track down sounds in a large area. All you have to do to use it is turn it on and place it down. It can then be monitored from the van.

The sound sensor can be used to find the ghost room in large maps as it can narrow down the search area.

How to Use the Strong Flashlight in Phasmophobia?

The strong flashlight works just like a normal one, in which you equip it and turn it on. It can also be used as an offhand item.

A strong flashlight is an investment that you should make immediately. It can help you navigate maps easily and gives more light than any other handheld light source.

How to Use the Thermometer in Phasmophobia?

The thermometer can be used to detect changes in temperature and to use it all you have to do is turn it on and look at the display.

Ghost rooms are always colder than other rooms so this tool is one that cannot be forgotten on a ghost hunt.

How to Use the Tripod in Phasmophobia?

The tripod can be fixed with a camera and then set down. To use you need to pick it up with an empty hand and you can’t switch off of it or you’ll drop it.

The tripod can be carried with the camera already affixed to it so you can save yourself a trip by hooking the video camera up first.

Final Note

All of the equipment that is in Phasmophobia can be used at your discretion. The game doesn’t pigeonhole you. You should feel free to use any tools that you want in order to ensure success on your mission. 

Written by Gaming Reaper

Small-time blogger and passionate gamer! I love to share things for people who are seeking information about their game! I hope by the end of this, you as a reader are more knowledgable about the game and will share the secrets to other friends and family!