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Valheim: How to Farm Copper Efficiently

Valheim: How to Farm Copper Efficiently

Valheim is a game for survival and exploration enthusiasts. With the task of bringing order to Valheim, you are set out in the search for glory across the forests and the mountains while harvesting valuable materials to craft, build, and of course, farm copper!

Players are able to build houses and bases where they can establish settlements and farms. Building and sailing ships are also one of the key features of the game, with the ability to conquer the seas with warships.

After starting at the center of Valheim, players are required to build a base. Once you have built a base in Valheim and gone out into the dangerous world, you will realize that you need something more substantial than leather and wood to survive. This is when you need to start mining copper. 

Copper is essential for your survival in the world of Valheim. Our guide will help you discover and farm copper efficiently in the game.

Copper is among the many natural and supernatural resources at your disposal in Valheim. Copper is an essential element as it allows you to craft a good number of valuable tools like weapons and armor sets that will help you throughout the game. 

Finding copper is not an easy task as it takes a lot of effort. Most importantly, copper cannot be crafted without a pickaxe. To get a pickaxe, you will have to proceed a little bit in the game and deal with a boss. 

Eikthyr Boss

The first task that you need to do is to take down the Eikthyr boss. This boss will be found in your starting position on the map. It would be best if you took down this boss before you can start crafting metal weapons. 

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Once you beat Eikthyr, he will drop hard antlers. These antlers will allow you to prepare your very first pickaxe, the antler pickaxe. Without this axe, finding copper will be of no use since you will not be able to mine it. 

Where to find copper in Valheim

Copper is a naturally occurring resource in the game, and you need to smelt it to purify it before use. Pure copper is an essential ingredient for creating bronze and brass in the game. Copper is not found in the first biome that you will start playing in, the Meadows. 

You will have to move towards a much more dangerous region called the Black Forest. The Black Forest is near the Meadows; you can pick a direction on the maps and start running towards the forest. 

The Black Forest is easily identifiable because of its trees. You will find fir trees in addition to beech and birch trees that you have seen throughout the game. The region name will appear on your map as you get near it. Once you are in the Black Forest, you will get a notification and a visit from a talking crow. 

Once you are in the forest, you can start exploring and looking around for copper. You will find copper veins throughout the forest; around these spots as you mine, you might come across some trolls as well. Beware of these trolls and carefully continue your journey.

You will have to make sure whether these ores are of copper or not because there will be many identical rocks that will not be copper. Copper deposits will appear as massive, rounded greenish stones sticking out of the ground. 

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You can identify these deposits by the yellowish zigzag lines that will stand out from the surface. Once you are close enough, hover your cursor on the deposit, and the words “Copper Deposit” will appear.

How to mine copper in Valheim

Now that you have found a copper deposit, you will be using your antler pickaxe to break it apart. This will take a while, but eventually, you will be able to obtain a good piece of copper ore. 

As you mine, three things will fall out: the copper node, stone, and the copper ore. The copper ore will appear as a green chunk of rock. It would be best if you also kept an eye on the status bar while you mine. You would not want to degrade the status bar too much, or else you will need to fix the chunk on your workbench. 

Be careful while you mine on the hillside as these chunks might fall off the hill. It would be best to be cautious about the stone that might be accumulating and taking up your storage space. Make sure to discard the stone that gathers up as you collect copper. If you have reached the weight limit, remember that you will not be able to add copper to your inventory. 

An essential tip while mining copper would be to mine the lower portions of a copper deposit first. Once you have chipped the lower part, the upper portion will fall on its own. This will save you a lot of time and effort when you farm for copper. Some copper might also extend beneath the ground so you can dig up the roots and yield more copper. 

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Also, make sure that the copper ore is not too heavy, as just carrying a few of them can hinder your movement. Some of them might even fall on the ground and roll away. 

Efficient Farming with the Pickaxe

You can farm efficiently with the help of a pickaxe. The more that you mind, the higher your pickaxe skill becomes and deals with more damage. As you continue mining the ore and digging up the ground, your pickaxe level will increase. The higher this level becomes, the easier it will get, and it will only take you a few hits to destroy all types of objects. You should hit the Copper Deposit’s roots and see how deep the impact goes; this will also increase your pickaxe skill. 

Upgrading Your Axe

The Antler Axe is helpful for farming, but it can be time-consuming to farm with this axe. It is suggested that you craft a better pickaxe if you want to speed up the process. It is recommended that you focus on farming an entire deposit to get the maximum amount of Copper Ore. 

A helpful tip would be to dig around the whole deposit, uncover the entire node, and then mine it later. You can also search around the entire Copper Vein and dig under it to make the Copper Ore fall. 

Consider upgrading your axe by farming Copper and Tin to create Bronze ingots and then a Bronze Pickaxe. 

Copper is a significant resource, and it will help you craft many weapons and armor throughout the game. The above information is everything you need to start farming copper efficiently in Valheim. 

Written by Gaming Reaper

Small-time blogger and passionate gamer! I love to share things for people who are seeking information about their game! I hope by the end of this, you as a reader are more knowledgable about the game and will share the secrets to other friends and family!